Feeding His Lambs

Feeding His Lambs

Feeding at the village in Kokomo, Uganda, East Africa.

Feeding His Lambs

Feeding at a small school in Uganda.

Matt 25:40 says,
“Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. “

God’s Redeeming Love International believes in reaching out with food for the soul (Word of God) and food for the body. Demonstrating Christ’s love for them in real and tangible ways. Imagine watching your children starve. Over the last 18 years, we have watched as God has fed tens of thousands of people. If you feel led to participate in what God is doing in this ministry, contact us or donate on this site. You can mark your donation specifically for this ministry and it will be used to purchase beans and rice. You would be amazed at how far God can stretch even a dollar.

Feeding His Lambs