Women's Occupational Ministry

The roots of this ministry began with one woman’s passion to teach God’s Word and and a tender heart for those widows and single mothers without hope. Martha Thompson, an alumni board member, while on a mission trip to Africa, that this ministry was born. It grew from a backyard bible study to a missionary group of women who make purses and jewelry to support one another. Today, it is a full-fledged school where teaching the bible is a priority, along with tailoring and cosmetology. The ladies pay little to no tuition and receive a bible, fabric, and regular access to a sewing machine (Tailoring). They then can support themselves and their children. God continues to bless this ministry. The school now has 15 sewing machines available. Martha remains a faithful partner in this ministry. If you are interested in participating in this vital ministry, please contact us or donate with a designation from this site.